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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I have an event at a fire station?

Unfortunately, we do not provide the ability to have events at our fire stations.

Can I request a fire engine for birthday parties or special events?

Unfortunately, we do not provide fire engines for birthday parties or special events.

Can you help with a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide (CO2) detector?

For information on smoke alarms and CO2 detectors, please visit our webpage: CO Detectors and Smoke Alarms.

Do you have patches or department merchandise for distribution?

Unfortunately, the San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department does not have patches or merchandise for sale/distribution to the public.

Do you offer car seat installations or safety checks?

For car seat information, please visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s webpage, Car Seats and Booster Seats.

How do I dispose of a fire extinguisher?

For information on proper disposal, please visit our webpage: How to Dispose of a Fire Extinguisher.

How do I dispose of expired medications, sharps, or hazardous materials?

Expired Medications – For information on proper disposal, please visit our webpage: MED Project.

Sharps – For information on proper disposal, please visit San Mateo County Health’s webpage: Safe Home Needle Disposal.

Hazardous Materials – All household hazardous items (i.e. batteries, oil, antifreeze, paint, fertilizers, pesticides, thermometers/thermostats, cleaning agents, aerosols, and fluorescent light bulbs) need to be disposed through the San Mateo County Household Hazardous Waste Program. Please call them at (650) 363-4718 or visit for an appointment.

How do I get a copy of an incident or investigation report?

To request a copy, please visit our webpage: Request a Public Record.

How do I notify you that I am having a BBQ this weekend?

If you are having a large BBQ, you can report it to non-emergency dispatch at (650) 368-1421.

If you need a tent over 400 feet, you will need a permit. Please contact Fire Prevention for assistance at (650) 522-7940 or email [email protected].

How do I order a Knox Box for my property?

To order a Knox Box within our jurisdiction, please visit our webpage: Knox Box Information.

How do I pay for an invoice from the San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department?

Invoices can be paid online at via credit card or check. Please be advised credit card payments will be charged a convenience fee. Payments may also be made by mailing a check, including the invoice number you are paying, to:

Finance Department
330 W 20th Ave
San Mateo, CA 94403

How do I report a fire hazard?

To report a fire hazard, please visit our webpage: Report a Fire Hazard.

How do I report a leaking fire hydrant?

To report a leaking fire hydrant in Belmont, San Mateo, or Foster City, please visit one of the following webpages:

Belmont – Mid-Peninsula Water District
San Mateo – California Water Service
Foster City – Foster City Access

How do I report my neighbor smoking in their apartment?

Unfortunately, the Fire Department cannot enforce the smoking ordinance. For questions about the ordinance, please contact your local police department.

How do I request a ride-along?

Unfortunately, we do not offer ride-alongs.

For information about our Cadet program, please visit our webpage: Cadet Program.

How should I prepare for a power outage/blackout (i.e. oxygen, elevator, and garage doors)?

To learn how to prepare, please visit our webpage: Office of Emergency Services.

I need help getting someone up (lift assist). Who do I contact?

If someone has fallen and/or needs help getting on their feet, please call our non-emergency dispatch number at (650) 368-1421. If they have any injuries of any kind, please call 911.

I need to test my fire alarm. How do I notify the Fire Department?

Please contact non-emergency dispatch at (650) 368-1421.

I received an invoice from the San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department, and I have a question about it. Who do I call?

For questions, please call the Community Risk Reduction Division at (650) 522-7940.