In the event of a major emergency or disaster, the likelihood is that most emergency management and public safety resources will be overwhelmed and assistance from neighboring jurisdictions may be delayed, depending on the extent/scope of the incident. Members of the community will instinctively try and help their families and neighbors, but without training, they may be minimally effective or actually put themselves or others in danger.
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program offers a resource in the form of community members, trained by emergency management and public safety professionals, who can provide assistance to their own community. CERT members are taught a variety of skills including fire safety, light search & rescue and disaster medical operations.
Our CERT Program is the San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department CERT.
The department recognizes that some community members wish only to receive disaster preparedness training and others have a desire to provide their own time, talents and experience to the department in the capacity of a formal volunteer.